News at Cicero

Hi and Welcome to Cicero Lounge.

Here you can browse at your leisure at News, Pictures of me and people I've known, take a look at various booklists, music lists and hopefully readers will comment on other readers comments as well as stories on the site.

Feel free to surf and comment.



Cicero said…
Hope you like the Jazzy Layout - and no, I'm not changing it! It took me ages to decide on this one! (grin)
Cicero said…
hopefully over the next coming months I'll be publishing many e-texts on this site, also heaps of other stuff including video clips, URLs , Torrent site news and views, and of course general discussion on anything current.
Cicero said…
If you have any comments on the site feel free to post them here,
but please be kind! (offensive ones will get kill-filteresd!!!!)