Today the Health Secretary Alan Johnson is to announce new plans to change the way in which doctors issue sick notes to those who then go onto claim Incapacity Benefit, the idea is to review the "sick note" to establish what work a person can do rather than automatically being signed off work. He will urge GPs to take a greater lead in this. This follows the Government's plans to review all those claiming Incapacity Benefit and Unemployment Benefit later this year.
In a speech to the Brtish Heart Foundation today he will announce a strategy to have doctors examine a person's actual ability to work in some capacity, what some refer to as providing a patient with a "well note", ie; their ability to actually work in some capacity.
The idea follows from what the Government now is referring to our "sick note" culture, where they believe people are being signed off initially for short periods that then leaves people "trapped" into long-term claiming of benefit.
The Government also be reviewing claimants who have been long-term unemployed to see what help can be offered in finding work for them.
Cicero Lounge welcomes any comments anyone has on the government "crackdown" on claimants claiming these benefits. Please feel free to comment and I will write more news as it comes in today.