Town hall snoopers used controversial anti-terror powers to delve into the phone and email records of thousands of people last year.

They wanted to check for evidence of dog smuggling and storing petrol without permission  -  and even to trace a suspected bogus faith healer.

In one case they were inquiring into unburied animal carcasses.

Some councils are allowing middle-ranking staff to authorise covert operations under the controversial Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, which is intended for use 'in the interests of national security'.

Many of those spied upon will have no idea they have been subjected to surveillance, as those who are innocent have no right to know.

Last night Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: 'This is a stark demonstration of how the surveillance society has got out of control with the improper use of very broad powers  -  powers that the public would expect to be used only for serious crime and security threats.'

Using Freedom of Information laws, 152 local councils were asked if they were using the power to intercept details of who a person phoned or emailed plus when and where the call took place.

The answers revealed that town halls looked into the private data of 936 individuals and only 31 councils did not use these powers at all.

If the same pattern were repeated across the remaining 322 councils, it would make a totalof around 3,000 people having their phone and email records accessed by bureaucrats.

The Freedom of Information requests also revealed the range of offences councils have used the anti-terror law to probe.

Kent County Council carried out 23 telephone subscriber checks as part of probes into storing petrol without a licence and bringing a dog into the UK without putting it into quarantine.

Six of the 16 checks carried out by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council were intended to identify and locate a bogus faith healer.

Lewisham Borough Council's 18 checks included six on a rogue removal firm and one on a rogue pharmacist.

Bolton Council requested subscriber details for a mobile phone number in connection with a probe into unburied animal carcasses.

Councils insist they are using the powers properly to investigate or prevent a crime. But opponents said it proves RIPA, passed in 2000 by Labour to regulate spying and surveillance by police and the security services, is far too widely drawn.

Civil rights group Liberty said: 'You can care about serious crime and terrorism without throwing away our personal privacy with a snoopers' charter. 'The law must be reformed to require sign-off by judges, not self authorisation by over-zealous bureaucrats.'

RIPA also allows undercover council staff to watch individuals.

Operations can be justified on the grounds of anything from national security to 'protecting public health or public safety', 'preventing a crime' and 'protecting the economic well-being of the UK'.

This can cover dog fouling and even putting out a sack of rubbish on the wrong day.

The latest findings follow a string of alarming examples of how the anti-terror power is being used.

Poole council in Dorset spied on a family because it wrongly suspected the parents of abusing rules on school catchment areas.


Shari said…
This is nothing new. Technology has made it more simple for us to realize the actions of the government. The government has always been able to find out what and when and who since the beginning. We are all under the "watchful eye" it is even on the dollar bill.
Shari said…
This is nothing new. Technology has made it more simple for us to realize the actions of the government. The government has always been able to find out what and when and who since the beginning. We are all under the "watchful eye" it is even on the dollar bill.
penny said…
And there was me,quietly thinking I was paranoid.
Cicero said…
And there was I thinking that they only collected Council Tax!
Cicero said…
And there was I thinking that they only collected Council Tax!
Cicero said…
No . No one is paranoid :)
Bascially the RIPA appears to be a free for all! Wot a suprise that is !!!!
Cicero said…
No . No one is paranoid :)
Bascially the RIPA appears to be a free for all! Wot a suprise that is !!!!
Barry_Tessa said…
Up until the last mention in Poole Cicero, I agree with being able to trace culprits of the mentioned crimes. Councils could always make undercover enquires. Why should it matter that electronic means have altered as time as gone on.To bring Foot and Mouth or even worse, Rabies into the country needs just one smuggled animal. I would hate to see someone die of a rabbid bite in this country because of someone elses selfish act.Ditching dead animal carcases? The disease that could come from this type of action, so easily spread if eaten by our wild birds or animals makes me cringe. Isn't this how the dreaded flu like viruses spread around the world.Sorry but just because different rules that have always been are now included in the anti terrorist laws, I don't think of them as being an intrusion on my human rights. The only people I know who complain of this are those who have something to fear themselves, even if it only because they smuggled extra tobacco or wine though last time they came back off holiday.Keep up the writingBarry
Barry_Tessa said…
Up until the last mention in Poole Cicero, I agree with being able to trace culprits of the mentioned crimes. Councils could always make undercover enquires. Why should it matter that electronic means have altered as time as gone on.To bring Foot and Mouth or even worse, Rabies into the country needs just one smuggled animal. I would hate to see someone die of a rabbid bite in this country because of someone elses selfish act.Ditching dead animal carcases? The disease that could come from this type of action, so easily spread if eaten by our wild birds or animals makes me cringe. Isn't this how the dreaded flu like viruses spread around the world.Sorry but just because different rules that have always been are now included in the anti terrorist laws, I don't think of them as being an intrusion on my human rights. The only people I know who complain of this are those who have something to fear themselves, even if it only because they smuggled extra tobacco or wine though last time they came back off holiday.Keep up the writingBarry
Cicero said…
Your right! Animal threats need to be dealt with.... any other times RIPA can be used for
local authority powers tho?
thx Barry n' Tessa.
Cicero said…
Your right! Animal threats need to be dealt with.... any other times RIPA can be used for
local authority powers tho?
thx Barry n' Tessa.
Cicero said…
If your talking abot Poole in Dorset - one of the most beautiful parts of the UK  - anyone
who's not visited this town SHOULD!!!!
Cicero said…
If your talking abot Poole in Dorset - one of the most beautiful parts of the UK  - anyone
who's not visited this town SHOULD!!!!