Policing and Crime Bill update...

This Bill draws together a number of disparate policy issues on policing and crime.

Key areas
Introduces new provisions to improve police accountability and effectiveness (although the Government’s plans for directly elected police authorities, which provoked some controversy, have not been included in the Bill)

  • Creates a new offence of paying for sex with someone who is controlled for gain and introduces new powers to close brothels
  • Modifies the law on soliciting
  • Tightens up the regulation of lap-dancing clubs by reclassifying them as ‘sex establishments’ rather than ‘entertainment’ venues
  • Amends police powers to deal with young people drinking in public
  • Introduces a new mandatory code of practice for alcohol sales
    Amends the criminal asset recovery scheme established under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
  • Changes the arrangements for airport security and policing
Commons stage copy of bill available in the Public reading file area
