Womens Rights in Afghanistan

The international community meets in December to discuss the future of Afghanistan, after a decade of conflict in the country.

Make sure women aren't sidelined in the discussions.

Over the last ten years, millions of Afghan women and girls have seen progress in their lives since 2001: girls are enrolled in school, women can work outside their homes, and the constitution grants women and men equal rights.

Yet, as the Afghan government and the international community begin to plan their country’s future, however, many Afghan women fear that they will be abandoned and their hard earned rights sacrificed in the search for a political deal with the Taliban and other insurgent groups.

We're part of a coalition that is working together to ensure women's rights in the country are protected in the negotiation process. We need your support to call on the British Government to make sure the rights of women in Afghanistan are not forgotten in the discussions - especially where the Taliban are involved.



