Project MKUltra was one of many experiments that the american secret service (CIA) and Department of Defence carried out between the 1950s and 1970s and was eventually declassified and exposed to the world by the Church Commission in 1975

Film's such as "Jacob's Ladder" starring Tim Robbins probably did a lot to bring the subject of the secret experiments that  'volunteers' from within US academic campuses and US defence staff - however many of the subjects had no idea as to the fact they being administered with hallucinogenic drugs and amphetamines in these experiments and some of these drugs such as BZ or 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate whose compound is shown here:

Is probably one of the most hallucinogenic and probably one of the most potent drugs ever produced.



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Thank you for the link

Cicero Lounge said…
Thank you for the link

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thank you for the link to your site.

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