The BBC are again showing Professor Jim Al-Khalili on BBC Four's "Shock and Awe - The Story of Electricity". The Story of Electricity is quite incredible from the work of Alessandro Volta and Humphrey Davy up to the invention of electro-magnetism of Michael Faraday work and the foresight of Nikola Tesla - this is recounted captured beautifully.
There is debate about as to where the music for the series has come from - many people on the internet seem to think it may originally be from Hans Zimmer ("Time") and his score from the film "Inception"? But below is the first of the series - "The Story of Electricity - Spark"
There is debate about as to where the music for the series has come from - many people on the internet seem to think it may originally be from Hans Zimmer ("Time") and his score from the film "Inception"? But below is the first of the series - "The Story of Electricity - Spark"
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