Amnesty - It Starts With a Letter

Amnesty International was started in 1961 by a lawyer called Peter Benenson who had heard of the arrest of two Portuguese students imprisoned for raising a toast to freedom.

It has grown to an international movement - and it all started with putting a pen to paper to help another human being gain their human rights (as provided in Universal Declaration of Human Rights created after the World War II).

On a personal note - I learnt the art of writing a letter and have been privileged to write to many Presidents, Heads of Government, and Judicial authorities and strongly urge any person to enjoy the wonderful experience of doing so by joining this important organisation.

As Rt. Hon Jack Straw MP, says in this documentary - "If people do nothing, nothing will happen!"

Below is it's history. Go to Amnesty


Courtesy: BBC Four/Amnesty International/AP/ITV
